Renee Randazzo

My name is Renée Randazzo and I use she/her pronouns. For a decade, I have practiced as a professional counselor specializing in transgender-affirming care, and I have worked with hundreds of gender-expansive people over the years. This coaching practice has allowed me to continue and to elevate my services without the pathologizing medical model setting the frame for the work. I am a transgender-affirming guide who specializes in helping people of all gender identities explore gender issues. I help transgender people and their loved ones navigate emotional growth before, during, and beyond transitions. Additionally, I provide long-term, insight-oriented, trauma-informed witnessing and coaching for people experiencing all types of life changes. Currently I am certified as a Conscious Girlfriend Academy Coach, centering trans and nonbinary people in the realms of dating, intimacy, and love.

Renee presents:

Tuesday May 13 1:30PM: Transition, Love, and Resilience

In this workshop, we'll engage in group discussion about gender affirmation as an act of love... love for the true self, love for a vision of collective liberation. We'll talk about the growth that transition invites from our loving relationships, deepening recognition and expanded hearts. And we will hold space for the processing of grief and honoring of resilience that is needed in the face of loss, ignorance, and injustice.